Weaving again:)
Hello and welcome to my blog.
It’s been a while (well over a year) since I last blogged. Life kept on getting in the way and then lots of procrastination at the same time too. However, I am now back in the mind-set to blog about my random yarn-related fun.
I’ll start off with the happy news that Viking – my big Norwegian floor loom is warped again and weaving away. It’s been nearly a year since poor VIcky has had a new project on her as a double weave runner got stuck on there for far too long. So now she has linen blinds for the bathroom getting woven on her.
I’m loving weaving with linen as it’s so crisp and non-fluffy and looks nice and ordered. Strange that I like things ordered since the rest of my life is so chaotic.
Talking about chaotic, Christmas is coming and I’m trying my hardest to be organised this year and not end up making things till very late on Christmas Eve. This year I’ve cut back on who I’m making things for which has massively taken the pressure off and there’s actual hope I can do stuff for me in the run up to the big day. Of course, the chances of my plans going horribly wrong are also high.
I’ve been working on a few things recently, hats for me to wear as the West Coast of Scotland has kicked into it’s usual wintry windiness. Thom, my 5 year old bundle of fun, is wanting a woven mobius cowl so hoping to get that done in the next couple of days. And I’d better get some Christmas decorations done.
The main thing I’m procrastinating over is getting started on the Certificate of Achievement in Hand-weaving that I’m going to attempt and do. It’s set up by the Association of Guilds of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers, and it’s aim is to make you try every aspect of one of the crafts so that you can learn and improve your skills.
My new table loom is sitting in the corner going “warp me, warp me, I want to do samples” so I’d better get a warp would soon and crack on with it.
Finally, I’m trying to regenerate my web-site and I’m wanting to get back into trying to make things to sell, as well as spreading the love about weaving, knitting, spinning, and all other fibrey-fun.
I promise my next post will be a lot sooner than my last one:)