
Author Ange Sewell

So my plans on regular blogging have, as usual, fallen by the wayside a bit as life has majorly gotten in the way.
The house decoration, as always, took a lot longer to complete, and this prevented me from being able to get near any looms for a while. They’ve all been found again and are getting put back to good use.

I have to say thank you to everyone that came and saw me at ‘By My Own Fair Hand’ craft fair in West Kilbride back in September.

Knit 1 Girl 1 at By My Own Fair Hand

Knit 1 Girl 1 at By My Own Fair Hand

I had a great day and it’s been a while since I’ve done craft fairs, and a while since the public have seen my items in the flesh. The feedback I got was lovely, and even better, the sales were the best I’ve had at any fair. The other stall holders were also of a high